De100c Essential modifications page

This page was last edited:  Sunday, February 01, 2009

The DEC 'essentials' package

The essentials package and instructions are helpful after using the failsafe recovery or recovery CD on a dec to quickly restore some of the most important modifications to your dec. It installs a new full shut-down kernel, Friendly-links, an Apache Server, Apache::MP3, a simple Web Interface, and redirects the iRadio server.   I recommend putty.exe for all interaction with  the dec from a Windows PC.   To grab text from a putty screen,  highlight it and type <ctrl>c. To paste text into putty.exe, copy it to the clipboard on Windows and use the right mouse button in putty.exe to paste.  (Comments are in parentheses).

4/14/2004 UPDATE:  I've provided an installation script which you can use to install most of  these things automatically.   I would recommend that you right click on that installation script link and use the 'Save as' feature in Windows and then drag it to the /content/sw folder on your dec.   Make sure to read the script and feel free to modify it.  It explains a few manual operations it requires as described in its comment fields, but most of the commands shown below are done automatically by the script.

Using putty.exe, log into your dec as root (password is 'redhat' after a failsafe or recovery CD boot)

mkdir /content/sw (set up a software directory if this is the first time you're setting it up)

and add these lines between the dashes to your /etc/smb.conf file:
comment = hp dec mod software directory
path = /content/sw
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
guest account = root

On your Windows machine, go to Start->Run->\\ip.of.your.dec  (to open up the dec on Windows)

download the essentials.tgz and drag it into the /content/sw directory of your dec

(At this point, if you've placed the insessentials automated installation script, you can execute it.  Otherwise, you can perform the steps below manually)

tar -xzvf essentials.tgz  (to extract the files)

The .tgz package contains these files:

Then start the installation process..,

rpm -i DECpoweroff-1.0-1.rpm (to change to a full power down kernel)

init 6 (to shutdown and reboot;

After this your dec will execute a full shutdown when you press the power button. This makes it more stable.

cd /content/sw
chmod 777 *.pl  (make all scripts executable)
mkdir /content/exported-music/mappings (to set up friendly links symbolic directory)
/content/sw/ -suv (to populate friendly links)

rpm -i apa* (to install Apache server files)

(this installs all Apache modules; you can ignore the error: Can't load dictionary file /usr/lib/linuxconf/help.eng/linuxconf-msg-1.18.eng (No such file or directory)

Install the rest in this order:

rpm -i perl-5.600-4mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -i mod_perl-1.27-1dec.i686.rpm
rpm -i lame-3.92-1dec.i686.rpm
rpm -i perl-Audio-Wav-0.02-1dec.noarch.rpm
rpm -i perl-I18N-LangTags-0.27-1dec.noarch.rpm
rpm -i perl-Locale-Maketext-1.03-1dec.noarch.rpm
rpm -i perl-MP3-Info-1.01-1dec.noarch.rpm
rpm -i perl-Apache-MP3-3.03-1dec.noarch.rpm
rpm -i perl-Apache-MP3-Skin-0.91-1dec.noarch.rpm

cp index.html /usr/local/apache/htdocs (to move web interface screen to Apache directory)
cp remote.cgi /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin (to move web interface cgi to Apache directory)

chmod 4755 /usr/X11R6/bin/xwd
chmod 4755 /opt/odin/dec/bin/press
chmod 4755 /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/remote.cgi

Once you've installed these, add the following lines between the dashes the end of your /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf file:

AddType audio/mpeg mp3 MP3
AddType audio/playlist m3u M3U

<Location /mp3>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::MP3

cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs
rm mp3 (to remove the symbolic link to /content/music)

ln -s /content/exported-music/mappings mp3 (to re-establish symbolic link to friendly-linked files)

/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd (to start up Apache)

cd /etc/rc.d/rcb5.d
ln -s ../init.d/httpd S85httpd (to get Apache to run with each bootup)

Add this line to the /etc/cron.fiji/fiji.cronjobs file:

0,15,30,45 * * * * /content/sw/

This will run the friendly links every 15 minutes to check for new content.

(That would be the end of the automated 'insessentials' script if you used it.  The following steps are not performed with the 'insessentials' script and must be done manually)

iRadio Server change:

Comment out the TunerDBUpdateServer and TunerDBUpdateScript values in /opt/odin/.realnetworks/Odin_1_0 by adding # in front of them like the following:

# TunerDBUpdateScript=idec/?cd%3dupdate&file%3dtunerdb&PN%3dodin&PV%3d1.0&PT%3dPLUS&DC%3dhp&CV%3d

Then add these two lines:

killall go (to get it radio server to update)

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