Monday, August 12, 2002

Lee is right - the grass always does seem greener - we should all appreciate what we have! As far as opportunities where I am (Marconi Communications) - I am in the wonderful world of telecommunications. The layoffs HP has done are "minor" compared to the surgery here - since I started (July 2000), we have laid off/sold off about 80% of the North American workforce - when I started, were about 22,000 people in the US - now there are about 4000. By the way Lee - I am in the financial end of it - run an operation encompassing North South adn Central Americas.

I know it is after the fact - but I knew about the pig and the Declaration - wanted to see if anyone else would jump in. Remember all - when in doubt with "activities" concerning the class - a solid guess is always John Nardone


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