Friday, February 28, 2003

Thank you Lee. What you wrote about Jack was just what I needed this evening.

Jack and I grew up together, better yet we were cousins. He lived down the street from me. His grandfather was my great uncle. We both loved his grandfather. Uncle George had quite a background. But what I remember most was his warm loving ways. Jack had a lot of his grandfather in him. Marisue will understand the impact his granfather had on him and why.

I loved playing with Jack as a child. We played on warm summer days forever and ever. One of our adventures included an unexpected ride on a train car that had been sitting idle for a few days. We had been playing in the car when the engine connected to the idle car. We got knocked off our feet, sat stunned as the car started moving, and then enjoyed the short ride to the cement place on the highway. For the both of us it was pretty exciting. Jack also taught me my first few colorful curse words. *laughter* We were about 4 years old, and he was teaching me the words, didn't know what they meant, but our Aunt did. *laughter* We both got spanked that night from our parents.

As we grew Jack watched over my shoulder. He was there even when I first got married and he knew the marriage I was in was not healthy. He never judged nor critized me for my decisions. Just told me to take care of myself and be careful. He always made his and Marisue's home welcome to me. Sadly I never took him up on it when I was in Pa. I was going to this year. I will be travelling back and forth to the States quite a bit. I was hoping to surprise my husband on one of my trips to come with me and we would go to PA for a few days so my husband could see where I grew up. Also to meet Jack and Marisue and a few others.

Jack's death is a reminder for me to not put off getting in touch or seeing people.

I'm very saddened by his death. As a relative I would be grateful if several people could give Marisue some extra support. She is a lovely woman and I am sure would be grateful to hear these wonderful stories about Jack.

I want to thank all the people that attended the wake. Marisue was deeply touched.

God bless.


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