Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Jay keeps sending me these wonderfully photogenic pictures of his grandson, and I keep using them. I've given him the html on how he could include them in his own postings, but he just keeps letting me put them in my postings, because he's so generous .

In any event, to defend Homer, just because one acquires a taste for a particular wine, that doesn't mean that it in any way diminishes one's taste for a particular bourbon, such as Wild Turkey. I can hardly believe that I'm sticking up for Homer here, since he routinely deletes his pithy and insightful postings, much to my dismay. Homer, must I save and re-post your musings under a new name so you can no longer delete them? You are the only one who is covering your tracks on the weblog and it makes our comments seem inane since 100 years (or even a few months) from now, people are likely to wonder why we are commenting on these postings that are no longer here....


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