Thursday, March 03, 2005

I have been playing around with my own blog, separate from this one because I don't feel like it's a good idea for me to continue posting items here that may not be of interest to the general audience. For a blog to be interesting, it has to be updated frequently, nearly every day, and stay somewhat relevant to the audience. If I updated this blog every day, it would become much more of a personal blog, and not a group blog which is the original purpose and I wouldn't want that to happen. I really appreciate finding someone else posting in here periodically.

I have found that there is a way to syndicate blogs, and combine them into a single newsreader and that is a feature I can add here. I'll explain how you can use it in the near future. This will allow you to combine multiple blogs into a webpage that can also combine all of your favorite news sources and it will automatically notify you when postings have been added to this blog.

In the meantime, if you want to start your own blog, I'd suggest you try out LiveJournal, since it is a little easier to use than Blogger. You don't have to be so much of a geek to figure it out. If you decide to try it, I can link it to this blog as I intend to do with mine as well. All of you who have posted to this blog have the opportunity to use Blogger as well and it will publish your Blog to "" so that's another option if you have grown accustomed to this user interface.


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