Sunday, July 01, 2007

Reunion request

Dear Fellow Bishop O'Reilly Class of 1977 Classmates:

We will have a 30th Class Reunion on September 29, 2007 at R & D Memories (former St. Michael's Hall) on Fellows Ave in Hanover Township. Our Class Reunion Committee has some questions we would like your assistance with:

1. Do you have any interest in attending? Interest or definite?
2. Your current mailing address, this is to keep us up to date.
3. Any addresses or our fellow classmates. Also to keep us up to date.

I hope all of you can help us with this request. Because time is short, I felt this would be the best way to contact those whose email addresses we have and hopefully gain more so everyone will be aware of our 30th Reunion.

You can email Lee at or me at or by phone (570)-821-0464.

Thank you,
Michael Kinney


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