Sunday, September 15, 2002

Hi Everyone, and welcome MaryLil. I spoke w/Mr. Walko today and if you haven't received your group picture yet, you should receive it in the next few days, he told me their all mailed out as of yesterday and I received my copy today, the picture looks great and in reference to Lee's quote, you're right, we are a beautiful class. I have to say this though in reference to the group photo, there's something really funny strange about it and I don't mean this in a derogatory way towards this person but in the last few postings before the reunion someone in particular was mentioned that he did a lot of scheming and pulled a lot of stunts, yes, it's you John Nardone and if you look closely at the picture what is so funky about it is that John Nardone appears to be the only one who unbelievably has this glow centered all around him and appears magic like, once you see it you'll know what I'm referring to, it appears also around Dave Kotarski but not centered like a glow around John Nardone, who knows, it's just a strange phonoemeon. Me personally, in my opinion John I would just take this as meaning that your life is changing for the better and/or better things are ahead, but then again I'm not a fortune teller. As I said previously I mean nothing derogatory John, it's just a point of interest and John if you didn't purchase a group photo, let me know and I'll try to get you a copy.


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