Wednesday, March 05, 2003

It has been some time since Jack’s passing and it’s really sad that we have lost yet another classmate, but for me it is yet another childhood friend. I will miss Jack as when I think back to my childhood days (boy that seems so long ago when I think about it), he was very outgoing and fun to hang out with, he was also a very caring and giving person. When you look in the Thesaurus available on the computer and look up words for friend, you’ll find comrade, pal, buddy, companion, cohort, and acquaintance, I think these are all words to describe Jack, because somewhere down the line that’s what he was to each and everyone of us. I, along with my mother and brother who knew him will miss him but will cherish the memories we had. I was also pleased to see alumni at the wake, I guess Mr. Lynch was right, we are a special class. I think that maybe one of those reality shows should do a show about our Class, just think, if we did a Survivor Series, I think Lee would be the Winner, especially having the Internet expertise, and if it were a female Winner, it would be a tie between Arlene and Bee as they are the 2 most organized people I know. Well, even though these last few weeks have been rough on our Classmates, life needs to go forward, so Jay, we need a new picture of Aiden on this site to show the great future we have to look forward to. Please forgive me if my words seem off as I’m not making light of this in any way. In the past few years I’ve learned to go forward and appreciate what I currently have because tomorrow it may not be there, so the best way to move forward is to take one day out of the month (your pick) and be a kid again, if you can financially do it, skip work for a day (pretend to be sick), or use a day you have off to just do nothing or do a kid thing, it’s some advice that was given to me a long time ago and it’s a good thing, it doesn’t really even cost anything, you could, if you live around here go to Kirby Park and fly a kite (a kid thing) and the March winds are great right now, so go out and have fun because the fun times are the best memories.


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