Friday, July 04, 2003

The photo you see below is the 8 month old son of one of our fellow Bishop O'Reilly Class of 1977 graduates. Can anyone guess who his parent is?

Earlier, Jay had asked, "Hey Lee, are the keyboards in the UK backwards like the driving lanes?". No, the UK keyboard is not significantly different than the ones we use in the U.S. but there are a few extra keys and some of the frequently used keys like 'Enter' and the 'Left Shift' are a different size than we have on U.S. keyboards. The left shift key is significantly smaller than ours and so each time I tried to capitalize a letter on the right side of the keyboard, I'd hit the '\' key instead. It was really annoying. They also hide keys you need to use frequently like the '@' symbol. I didn't find driving on the wrong side of the road nearly as challenging as I found the keyboard. I've inlcuded an image of the keyboard below so you can see what I'm referring to.


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