Sunday, October 24, 2004

It's great to visit the blog after a few weeks and finding some new postings. Thanks Rob and Jay!

We've had a beautiful fall here this year so far, and are still waiting for our first snowfall down on the front range. It's been snowing up in the mountains for some time and a few of the ski areas are already opening for the season. The peaks are covered in snow and they look beautiful. I am looking forward to winter.

Terri was in Taipei last week, just in time to experience an earthquake. Although it was pretty strong, 7.0 on the Richter scale, it was centered off shore about 60 miles so there wasn't much damage, but she said there certainly was a whole lot of shaking going on.

President Bush is going to be here in Greeley tomorrow. Terri tried to get some tickets to see him speak, but it was a mob scene with lines stretching around the block. Colorado is a 'swing' state, just like PA and I understand dubya was in Wilkes-Barre (again!) to drum up some support recently. I can't believe how divided the country is on this election. The opposition is seething with Michael Moore-like rage but I believe it's totally misguided. I've actually seen bumper stickers that read "Anyone but Bush 2004". Really? Would Saddam Hussein be a better leader for the U.S.? It reminds me of the cry, "Give us Barrabas!"

It's easy to blame the current administration for off-shoring of jobs, but I believe that is caused by inexpensive, instant communications and an educated workforce in other countries willing to work for 20% of the wages paid in the U.S. or Europe. We can't control wages in other countries. It's not related to any 'incentives' by our government to send jobs oversees, as has been the accusation. The only thing the government can do is apply 'dis-incentives' in the form of tariffs and taxes which is protectionism and we all know that doesn't work. Protectionism just puts our country in a weaker economic condition to compete in a global marketplace.

It's also a myth that a president can create jobs. There's hard evidence to show that the president can't even create a single job. Take for example, Bill Clinton. He tried using all his power as the Commander in Chief to create a single White House job for Monica Lewinsky without success. If he had been successful, we might never have heard of her.

OK, OK, enough of my political soapbox, but Rob did get it started. If you'd like equal time to offer an opposing position, but don't know how to post to the blog, let me know and I'll get you set up with a password sometime after Nov 2nd.


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