Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I was back in the valley last week for my nephew's confirmation and I blogged about it here. John Nardone and I took a flight over Wyoming Valley and so I thought I'd include this aerial view of the Valley from pretty high up. Click on the image for a larger one. You can see Harvey's Lake in the left hand side and the Susquehanna River is plainly visible where it enters and exits the Valley. We flew over the back mountain, Harvey's Lake and up the Susquehanna to Towanda. Then we flew back down and I got some pictures, but unfortunately, I left my digital camera at Terri's sister's house so I won't be able to post them until she sends it to me.

We spent some time in Sid's on Slocum Street talking with my friend Dave Barilla. You'll see his name is all over the place in the west side of the valley because he's running for District Judge for Swoyersville, Luzerne, Pringle, Courtdale, Edwardsville and Forty Fort. Please make sure to vote for him in the upcoming primary on May 7th. I can pretty much guarantee that if you run any red lights in Swoyersville, he can take care of the ticket for you. :-)


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