Thursday, August 01, 2002

[ED: The following is from Dorothy] Hi everyone!! This little system Lee has going here is so very interesting that it finally got me on the computer instead of Zachary!! I'm glad to see that there has been such a great response to all the activities that are planned for out Reunion-its going to be really great to see everyone again. Just reading all the information on everyone-its nice to see that so many dreams have come true and so many of you are where you want to be in your life. I've been so busy all summer with my son the third baseman-he's played regular season baseball and just finished all stars where his team placed second in districts (to all the men out there-this is good no?) Any way, I' ll keep reading these little notes and if anyone would like to drop me a line-do so, I'd love to hear from you.
Dorothy Semanek Artim


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