Saturday, November 24, 2007


Lisa Schwartz sent along this YouTube clip and it's really funny. For a few minutes, I felt like I was home again.

It's sometimes not apparent to those of us who grew up in Wyoming Valley, until we moved away, that the place has its own dialect, including the expression "heyna"? Sure, they tried to breed it out of us in Catholic school, but you can't sit in a bar in the valley for more than a few minutes without hearing it used by at least a few of the patrons at the end of every other sentence.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Are runners crazy?

Michael Kinney sent these photos to me and I'm sure that he would have posted them to the blog if he could only figure out the Blogger thing.

Hi Everyone,

Most of you think us runners are crazy, unless you're a runner. Here's what I put my body through on a run today! Check out these pictures.

For those of you out of town in the nice warm sunny climate, you might enjoy these pictures also!

The pictures are from the Back Mountain Trail between Luzerne and Trucksville, above Route 309.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Michael, I'd like to thank you for sending along these pictures. Terri and I hiked that trail a few years ago and it's very beautiful. When I was a kid, there were still train tracks there.

I've got two trivia questions for anyone who reads this. There is a sign along that trail with names of people who helped to build it. There is a name of one of our class members on that sign. Who is it?

Secondly, the train track that previously occupied that trail was built for a specific reason. Where did it terminate and what was its purpose? Here's a hint: It was an industry that thrived in the Wyoming Valley from around 1880 until 1930 and it was not related to coal.


Monday, November 12, 2007

November Functions

Here's a message from Michael Kinney:

Dear Fellow Bishop O'Reilly Class of 1977 Classmates,

Since our 30th Reunion at the end of September, Chuck Brennan has insisted on gathering at the Bakehouse in Kingston almost weekly (I think we missed one week!). Our little gathering group has grown. It's nice to see our classmates while sharing laughs and memories. If anyone is interested in getting on my email list for gathering notices, just let me know.

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, so is Black Friday, and "Relax with your Classmates Saturday". (I just coined that name.) Read on and you'll understand.

Our little gathering group will hang at the Bakehouse at Kingston Corners this Wednesday, November 14th at 6:30 PM. If you can attend, please join us. We're usually there until they clean around our table at 8:30.

The following week we'll be very active. Tuesday (Nov. 20th) evening, those interested can gather at the Bakehouse at 6:30 PM. Feel free to join us.

Black Friday morning, anyone who's sick of turkey can come join us at Mark Hession's White House Diner around 7:00 AM. for breakfast. (Phat may be attending!) Some of us (me) have to work, but if you've been bargain shopping, come in eat and laugh then head back out to shop. We can compare what I bought since 5AM and how many stores I hit! Mark said he's busiest around 5:00 AM. So we hopefully will miss the crowds! If not, we'll all squeeze into one table. Our record is 5 so far!

Saturday, November 24th, this is the big one! I have emailed Doc and he'll be in town, after a few back and forth's, we decided on a mini-reunion!!! Let's see how many of us can get together on less than 2 weeks notice!! Let's gather at Grotto Pizza (they have lots of room) at the Wyoming Valley Mall at 6:30 - 7:00 ish! Dutch treat, everyone pays for their own whatever's! So far Doc and I will be there (since we're the only two that know about it so far!) (Plus I hear some other classmates will be in town!) Let's party again this year! If you're coming, call another classmate and ask them to join you! I'll call Niz!

-Michael Kinney